Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Universidad (617)

Universidad (617) - (2013) 24x24 in., oil on canvas. For sale on Etsy.

A sliced kiwi fruit rests on a plate in front of my drawing of a detail of a mosaic mural in Caracas, Venezuela. The mural is “A Static Element in Five Positions ” by Oswaldo Vigas and is located in the University City of Caracas, a UNESCO site filled with noteworthy architecture, sculptures, and murals. I play a little randomizing game to choose the subject matter for my art. My three random elements for this painting were the color Campus Blue (color #617 in Naomi Kuno's Colorscape book), the color chartreuse, and northern South America.

I ate all the kiwi fruit that I used for the painting. (The kiwi fruit in the painting is a stylized composite of several different fruit.) By doing this, I discovered that the kiwi fruits are often sold while they're still unpleasantly hard and unripe. They can be ripened, but they still just weren't all that great.

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