Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Harvest Moon (398)

"Harvest Moon (398)", oil on canvas, 24x24". For sale on Etsy.

I was kind of taking a break with this painting. My brain has been a little fried, I can barely find time to sit and concentrate. So I went for a simpler subject this time. Just an owl and a moon and some plants.

03-26-13. A Mount Rushmore souvenir, made in Japan.

Monday, March 4, 2013

03-04-13. "Prom Dress", a 2006 photo by Danielle Nelson Mourning.

Okavango Orthetrum (496)

"Okavango Orthetrum (496)", oil on canvas, 24x24". For sale on Etsy.
Dragonflies flit among the waterlilies in the Okavango Delta. The Okavango Delta is a large wetland area in Botswana, which is in southern central Africa. The delta is one of a few in the world which does not flow into a large body of water. 

The dragonflies in the painting are Julia skimmers, or Orthetrum julia. The one on the left is a yellowish female, and the other one is a blue male. Julia skimmer dragonflies are found in several parts of Africa, including the Okavango Delta.

(I'll admit that even I had a little trouble with the pronunciation of this title. It's oh-kuh-VAHN-go or-THEE-trum.)